Turn Your Blog Into A Sales Machine!

You need to sell on every inch (or centimeter) of your blog!

One page that probably needs reworking is your About page. When I look at most business’s about page, I normally see a very ho hum, even boring summary of what’s so wonderful about the company. That’s good, but not great!

Even an About page can be turned into a sales page. What should you sell? 9 times out of 10, you need to see your readers on the idea of clicking a link and submitting an email to get something.

Rework your About page so that it sells the click! You’ll get more sign ups, and as a consequence, they’ll know more about your business too!

How To Implement:

1. You need what we call a lead magnet. Write a short report about something virtually every customer you have should be interested in. Save that a s PDF.

2. Next get your web gal or guy to create a squeeze page for you.

3. Link to that from your About page!

Need Help?

If you would like help implementing these marketing tips, or would like to discuss the many ways that we can help you make “More Sales Now”, visit our “Contact Us” page and let us know how we can help you!

Boyd Bowker