How To Leverage Your Industry

Here’s a painless way to create more content, more leads, more sales.

Create a “state of the industry” report. Put that report on your website. Email it to your list. Offer it as a giveaway. Do all the stuff with it that I preach in these emails.

The report doesn’t have to be long. 5 pages will do. You’ll want to get an expert for the layout.

How To Implement:

Here are the steps:

1. Research the internet for industry information

2. Get a writer to write the report

3. Get someone to format it into a tasteful PDF

4. As usual, spread it all around the Internet

I’m here to help! Reach out to me!

Need Help?

If you would like help implementing these marketing tips, or would like to discuss the many ways that we can help you make “More Sales Now”, visit our “Contact Us” page and let us know how we can help you!

Boyd Bowker